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CoEd Middle School Track And Field

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About the 2025 HMS Spring Track and Field Season

Posted on 03/04/2025

About 2024 Season


Program Philosophy: The middle school track level program includes: sprints, distance events, long jump, high jump, shot put, discus, and relays. The program exposes the athletes to the various events and training principles. The team members will be guided to find events that match their interests and potential. They will be challenged to steadily progress in their training and improve in their performances. The students should find their experience successful and fun!  With a team of close to 150 athletes, we will be utilizing grade/event specific practices to best meet the needs of our athletes. 

Early in the season, all athletes will have been exposed to running workouts, starts/finishes, drills/strength for form, and relay exchanges in zones on the track. All athletes will be exposed to throws and standing broad jump and may have received an initial measurement in shot put and/or long jump. All athletes will have competed in a intrasquad time trial or colonial conference meet to receive a time in a race.


Please register your child in genesis for them to be added to the team google classroom and roster. This will start the process of identifying and verifying required items to be cleared!

Student’s paperwork must be approved by the school nurse and the school doctor before being added to the approved list of the roster. Newcomers are always welcome to join the team anytime during the season, but understand that they will be a wait time as the paperwork processes through both the school nurse's office and the school doctor. 

(Note: Impact Concussion Testing listed under health forms is NOT required for middle schoolers.)

Season Schedule:

Interest Meeting Date: There will be an interest meeting Tuesday March 4th @ after school in the HMS gym immediately after school.  If students miss the meeting, they can check this website, resources on google classroom, or find any of the coaches at school to ask questions.

First In-Person Team Meeting Dates: The season schedule is linked below.  It is in draft form for planning purposes and will be readjusted as needed.  Please make sure to check the schedule weekly for any changes.

Click Here for March Schedule (April May Schedule TBA early March)

Communication with Coaches:

Email - Email will be used regularly with parents of registered team members. By registering on genesis, all guardian emails on genesis are added to the email list.

Google Classroom - Google classroom will be used regularly with the team.  All registered and approved team members on the roster will be added into our team google classroom for communication from coaches. 

Additional Communication - We will also continue to update this site as needed and will utilize morning announcements as needed to reinforce communication. Follow us on twitter for limited updates: @HMSTrackXC

More About The Season/FAQ

Practice Schedule: Season practices will include a combination of practices at the middle school (2:55-3:45) or high school (3:30-4:30).  Students should wear supportive running shoes to prevent injuries.  Bring extra sweats to keep warm in the early part of the season. Bring a labeled or identifiable water bottle. If you are riding your bike to track practice or meets at the high school, lock up bicycles and leave valuables at home.

Meet Information: Meets are listed under the site "schedule" tab as well as on the coaches' schedule linked above. The team will compete in Colonial Conference dual meets. Events will include the 100m, 400m, 800m, 1600m, 4x100m, shot put, discus, long jump and high jump.  The season meets are listed on the "schedule" tab. All team members are invited to participate in our four home meets. 

Away meets will have a limited roster- details TBA closer to each meet.  Championship meets including Woodbury Relays, Haddonfield Invitational, and Colonial Conference Championships will all be a very limited roster - details TBA closer to the events. 

Team T-Shirts: New team members will receive a uniform (Cotton adult S, M, L sizing)  if they have not received one already.  Returning xc/track team members have already received the uniform. Additional shirts are available for team members who need a new shirt.

Practice/Meet Cancelations: Cancellations or changes to the schedule (such as cancellation due to rain) will be announced to the students before the end of the school day and posted on the team website, google classroom, twitter, and text messaging account. 
