Home of the HADDONS

Boys Middle School Basketball

Team News
Game Summaries (0)

No team summary for this season.

News (5)

First Week of Tryouts

Updated on 11/27/2023

Tryouts this week will be:

Monday/Wednesday/Friday 3-4:45

Tuesday & Thursday 5-6:30

Team Information

Updated on 11/27/2023

Google classroom will be used for players only. Parents are invited to join, but this is where we will share our  offensive/defensive plays, videos of drills, announcements to the team, etc. (This is where we will post the teams after tryouts)

class code: ixrklcl                                      https://classroom.google.com/c/NjQxNDYwMTA0MTU3?cjc=ixrklcl


Remind is for parents and players to join (Team updates, and easy access to communicate safely)

Text 81010                                                 containing this message: @3abf39


Google Form is for player information, emergency contacts, allergies, medical conditions, etc.


Tryout Rubric

Updated on 11/27/2023

The attached document is being used by the girls and boys middle school teams to evaluate players accordingly.

Standards of Excellence

Updated on 11/27/2023


Updated on 03/03/2024

We will be holding an intereset meeting on Tuesday, November 21st, directly after school in the MS gym. 

Information about the team, coaches, tryout process, and the season.
