Home of the HADDONS

Boys Varsity Soccer

The Starting Eleven

“The Starting Eleven” 

  1. Never be too big to do the small things that need to be done.  The small things add up and are essential to success on a larger scale.
  2. Play with a purpose.  Identify your “why”.  This should be bigger than just to win.  Education is to be valued and the game is the ultimate teacher.
  3. Leaders create leaders.  EVERYONE who leads is a captain.
  4. Leaders are teachers.  Leaders are learners.  Those who decide to lead will also commit themselves to helping those in need and accept knowledge from those who may offer it.
  5. Character always trumps talent.  The will to work hard will always succeed above and beyond lazy talent.  Character development should be a main focus area and function of our Boys Soccer Program at Haddonfield.  Show up everyday.  No exceptions.
  6. Embrace expectations.  A culture of expectation begs the question, “How can we become better?”  We expect our players to take risks when it’s relevant to do so but always be responsible and accountable.
  7. Practice under pressure.  Our players are expected to train how they expect to play when it truly counts.  Find ways to do more by way of preparation and practice.  
  8. Keep a cool head.  Avoiding poor decision making under pressure is vital.  Never put your teammates in a compromised position by way of selfish decision-making.  Always use character education as the basis for your decision-making process.  We believe that the #1 indicator for success in rivalry games and/or championship games is composure.
  9. Respect tradition.  Rituals respect, reflect, remind, & reinforce the beliefs that ignite our collective identity & purpose.  That being said, our tradition should always serve a purpose.  When that purpose is outdated, then the culture built by the players should dictate necessary change.  
  10. Leave the jersey in a better place.  During the course of your career: it is your time, obligation, & responsibility to learn, grow, & add to the legacy of our program.
  11. Write your legacy.  Your story is unfinished.  How will the chapters read?  How will the story end?  Will others remember it and if so, how will they remember it?
