Home of the HADDONS

Girls Varsity Track And Field

Team News
Game Summaries (0)

No team summary for this season.

News (3)

Ad Book To Support Baker Invite

Updated on 04/08/2024

Guidelines For Participation

Updated on 03/24/2024


Philosophy and Guidelines

We do not want to “cut” athletes. Any athlete willing to consistently work hard and commit to improving over the course of the season should have the opportunity to finish the season with the team.   




Working Hard and Committed to Improving Guidelines:


Regular attendance:

Exceeding 10 absences - may result in dismissal from team


Exceeding 5 unexcused absences - may result in dismissal from the team.


Whether absences are excused is at the discretion of the coaches.  Illness and conflicts must be communicated to coaches from athletes - Parents must be CCd 


Athletes must compete in at least 3 different meets.  Inability to do so, may result in dismissal from the team.


Commitment to Health:

Injuries during practice must be communicated to coaches and Ms. G.  


Injuries diagnosed outside of practice - must be communicated to Coach Russo by a physician/parent. 


When athletes are unable to practice/compete - they should work with coaches / Ms. G to formulate a plan to return.   They should still attend practice each day during their recovery - unless advised otherwise by coaches or Ms. G.


Good Attitude & Willingness to Work:

A coach can dismiss an athlete from practice.   Dismissal will count as an unexcused absence from practice.   

Message From Boosters

Updated on 03/24/2024